"Good God, who needs the axe in the toilet?""R" jumps with words and says
"I flushed the toilet"I then said,
"Then why do you need an axe ?"(I realized at that moment he had no clue what I was talking about sooo I decided to play on it!)
He kept insisting he had flushed the toilet. By now I had him thoroughly embarrassed and I was starting to have a great deal of fun at his expense.
I finally just said "Look "R" why don't you just go look. Standing and mumbling , he sheepishly headed towards our bathroom. By the time he got into the hallway I was busting up laughing!
This is what he found in our toilet. Seems "hubby" was too lazy to get a bucket of water for our maul, (I am always just calling them axes) (He was swelling the handle to the head)
And my room mate "R"? He says I got one coming and I probably do, but truth be told all I said was
"Good God, who needs the axe in the toilet?"
It was his assuming that caused it all!
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